Advantages and disadvantages of science


Science has brought an amazing revolution in human life. Modern man enjoys flying in the currents of air, swimming under the depths of ocean and walking on the roads of space. At the same time science has made many lethal weapons for the purpose of total destruction and annihilation of humanity. Here is a depiction of bright side as well as dark side of science.


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Advantages of science

1. Industrialization

Science has brought a great revolution in terms of economic progress due to industrialization. Industrialization has changed us from toes to hair of head. We have variety of things available at shopping malls and industrial outlets.

2. Surplus food

Stories of famine and droughts are now the part of ancient history. Science has accelerated production of cereals, fruits, meat and vegetables. Modern man enjoys a variety of edibles.

3. Fast travelling and communication

Modern ways of travelling have made this world a true global village. Aero-planes, Air conditioned buses, ships and bullet trains have shortened the geographical distances. Modern man travels through oceans, air, mountains landscapes at a greater speed. Now the world is at the distance of click. Internet, Television, Radio and fax have enabled us to enjoy communication with global community just like our family members.

4. Innovation

Science has brought innovation in every field of life. Distance learning, connected classroom technology and online courses have changed the concept of education. Now education has become a global concern. Modern tools are being used in investigation of diseases once were a challenge in health department. Technology is being shifted from garage to pocket due to innovative research done in scientific field.

5. Problem solving technique

Scientific progress has changed our thought process. Modern man applies scientific approach to daily life problems. It has given us computational control over the world. Scientists are trying to control human mind which will be the last hit to scientific progress.


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Disadvantages of science

1. Unemployment

Solving a problem generates a new problem as a by-product. Industrialization has replaced human beings with machines. It has accelerated economic progress many fold but at the same time unemployment is increasing due to machines. It is increasing social depression and mental agony.

2. Materialistic approach

Geographical distances are shrinking but the distance between heart and mind is on rise due to scientific progress. Modern man is less humanistic and more robotic in approach and nature. This is the age of spiritual destruction and moral death. Spirituality is going down with the increase of our dependency over science.

3. Pollution

Industrialization has increased pollution level. Greenhouse effect has caused global warming which is a threat-call to our future. The world is consuming billions of dollars every year to neutralize or reverse this issue but the problem is still going out of control. Pollution is the by-product of scientific progress and industrialization.

4. Human annihilation

Scientific progress has made the world more divided and less stable as compared to the past. Modern man has invented atom bomb, hydrogen bomb and missile technology for the destruction of fellow beings. Developed countries are making these things to make their future more secure however these war heads are increasing feelings of insecurity across the globe.

5. Uncertain future

With the scientific progress our future is becoming uncertain which is compelling us towards a closed-street and narrow valley. World is becoming prone to 3rd world war as more and more flash points are emerging on the map of globe. Perhaps it will be the last world war on this planet.


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The twisting nature of science leaves us clueless to guess whether we are making scientific progress to make this planet a heaven or this scientific progress in the long-run, is a mean to our total destruction and human annihilation to change this earth into hell. Time will answer this question.