Seven secrets of motivational speakers

secrets of great speakers

Learning the secrets of motivational speakers will be the best investment of your life in terms of time and money as by dint of this trick you can increase your audience, transform your vision into reality and in the long run you can touch the sky in terms of fame and popularity.

Being a public motivational speaker will be a big deal for you. You can grow your business, multiply your followers, expand your vote bank and win the hearts of unconvinced people, if you are expert in this field. Public speaking is a great job as people having steel nerves can do it properly.

Great motivational speakers are by birth or by choice? is the trickiest question to answer. My stance is, though up to some extent, motivational speakers have specific genetic makeup yet most of the secrets of great motivational public speaking can be learnt with passion, practice and perseverance.

Learning the secrets of public motivational speakers will be the best investment of your life in terms of time and money as by dint of this trick you can increase your audience, transform your vision into reality and in the long run you can touch the sky in terms of fame and popularity. This article will disclose to you 7 amazing tips on how to become a motivational speaker. These are as under:-

7 Wonderful Tips on How to become a Motivational Speaker

1. Motivational speakers look confident

First secret of great motivational speakers is they look confident when they are in front of their audience. Their strength and confidence compel the audience to listen them with keen interest.

While speaking a public gathering they focus on the value of being listened rather than being afraid of public speaking. This is the foremost thing to become a great motivational speaker. If you improve your confidence the rest of job is easy. So learning ways on how to gain confidence should be your foremost thing if you want to become a motivational speaker.

2. They have good audience knowledge

Motivational speakers always know the importance of knowing audience knowledge. They never touch the red-line of cultural and religious differences. Their audience listens to them when they feel speaker is talking of their values. Great public speakers speak on a topic which is dear to their audience. They speak their language.

3. Motivational speakers speak with clarity of mind

3rd secret of the secrets of great motivational speakers is they are clear in mind what they are to talk about. They draw a clear line of actions in their minds keeping in mind the vision of their job. They speak of what they believe in, act upon and above all campaigning for. They end when the job is done.

4. Inspirational speakers inspire their audience

One of the seven secrets of motivational speakers is they learn the trick how to inspire their audience. They include interesting stories, innovative ideas and modern trends in their speech to get their audience motivated and ready to listen more. They improve their historical knowledge and analyze modern trends to inspire their audience.

5. Great motivational speakers are humorous in nature

Maintaining the passion of your audience to listen more for long hours is not an easy job. Motivational speakers add funny poetry and anecdotes to make their speeches spicy. They behave as they are professional, diplomatic and formal in style to complete their vision.

They act as an entertainer and comedian to make the audience co-travellers of their vision. In this way they entertain their audience and get the job done as the session ends.

6. They manage their body language

More than 90% listeners extract the meanings of your speech out of your body language. Your gestures, postures and eye contact matter a lot. Great public  speakers never pass a wrong gesture. They manage their body language in the way to look strong and bold. They maintain a good mental health to keep their inner strong and confidant.

7. Best motivational speakers are open minded

Last but not least secret of motivational speakers is they are open-minded. They are ready to learn new things and innovative ideas. They take criticism positive. They accept compliments from their audience open heartedly. They even praise their rivals where they deserve. In this way they improve gradually and reach at the top of this mountain successfully.


These are the seven secrets of motivational speakers. If you want to learn tips on how to become a great motivational speaker, learn these secrets, practice them, feel no fear of public speaking and throw the first stone of your life-long vision to become a great public motivational speaker. If you are already a motivational speaker, feel free to share your story and secrets of motivational speaking in the comment box. Your story will be, for us all, a great source of inspiration.


  1. Wow!!!
    I can relate. Not for myself, but in watching others – these qualities are vivid!

    Thanks 💯

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