Einstein IQ


Hello Genius! Hope you are having a great time with us. If you are searching for “What was Albert Einstein’s IQ?” Our simple answer is IQ score of Albert Einstein was 160. But if you want to know how much brilliant you are, here is a test to test your mind. Take this test as a challenge to know whether you can beat Einstein’s IQ or not.

Created by globalintelligentsia.com

Einstein IQ Test

1 / 10

Average of 3 unknown digits is 16. What is the double of their sum?

2 / 10

Choose the pair with opposite meanings.

3 / 10

30% of what is equal to 3 less than 30

4 / 10

Work hard _____ you should fail.

5 / 10

Man + go

6 / 10

When 3 is multiplied with average of 12 and 18, the resultant is

7 / 10

40% is equal to

8 / 10

Twice of what is equal to thrice of 18?

9 / 10

Sum and difference of 2 unknown digits are multiplied. If the resultant is 27, what is the value of larger digit.

10 / 10

A boy who is 17 yours old will be _____ yours old after 5 yours.


Albert Einstein is considered, no doubt, the most brilliant scientist of history. However, the truth is he never took an IQ test as IQ testing was at infancy when Einstein was popular all over the world because of his Theory of Relativity. Right after his death when IQ testing was popular around the world, one of the most popular query about great scientist was ” What was Albert Einstein’s IQ level”?. At that time different indirect methods and techniques were applied to know IQ level of genius scientist – Albert Einstein. As a result, 160 is considered to be the most reliable IQ score of Albert Einstein. Here is the brief history and life achievements of one of the greatest scientists of human history.

Who was Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein was German-born theoretical physicist popular for developing Theory of Relativity. He also made great contribution to Theory of Quantum Mechanics.

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany and died on April 18, 1955 in New Jersey, United States of America.

The most famous quote of Einstein is ” Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”.


Albert Einstein is considered to be the most brilliant scientist of history. This is the reason why genius minds around the world are interested in knowing what was the IQ level of Albert Einstein. Global Intelligentsia has prepared an IQ test to know whether you can beat Einstein’s IQ or not. Take this test to polish the genius inside you. Wish you best of luck!



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