21st Century famous quotes on science and technology

famous quotes on science and technology


Edward Teller “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.”


John Dewey “Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.”


Abdul Kalam “Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.”


Kurt Vonnegut “Science is magic that works.”


NEIL  TYSON “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”


Lawrence M. Kruass “Without science, everything is a miracle.”


Abraham Flexner “Science, in the very act of solving problems, creates more of them.”


Robert Green Ingersoll “Reason, Observation, and Experience; The Holy Trinity of Science.”


Bertrand Russell “Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.”


Thomas Huxley “Science is simply common sense at its best.”


Bill Watterson “All this modern technology just makes people try to do everything at once.”


Albert Einstein

“The human spirit must prevail over technology.”


Libby Larsen “The great myth of our times is that technology is communication.”


Vernor Vinge “So much technology, so little talent.”


Alan Kay “Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.”


Kevin Kelly “Humans are the reproductive organs of technology.”


Willeam Leiss “The chief social function of technology is to create new possibilities for human activity.”