360° Global math-genius test 2

1. The 5th multiple of 6 is


2. Length and width of a rectangle are 18m and 12m respectively. What is the 200% of its area.


3. Multiplication of two digits A and B is 84. Difference of A and B is 5. What is the sum of A and B


4. What is the volume of the box if length=13m, Width=9m and height of the box is 7m.


5. 25% of what is equal to 2-times of 18.


6. 2/3 + 4/5 + 5/15 = 3×X/15

What is the value of X?


7. Average 3 unknown digits is 30. If a fourth digit is added, average becomes 40. What is the value of 4th digit.


8. 5 less than 15 is the 25% of what


9. Find the value of X

3×5 + 6x-3 = 48


10. Difference between 20% of 50 and 40% of 60 is


Question 1 of 10