270-Degree IQ Test

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270-Degree IQ Test

1 / 31

Every 6th student in a class of 60 students is from Japan. How many Japanese are in that class?

2 / 31

Pipe is to water as artery is to

3 / 31

Three days before yesterday was Wednesday. Three days after tomorrow will be

4 / 31

Choose the word which is closest to “Exaggeration” in meaning

5 / 31

The day right after tomorrow will be Sunday. What was the day just before yesterday.

6 / 31

Sum and difference of two unknown digits are 30 and 4 respectively. Square of their average is

7 / 31

20% of 50 eggs are broken. How many eggs are intact

8 / 31

There are seven students tagged as A, B, C, D, E, F and G who are standing on seven different points numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 on the following conditions

1.) C is standing on 3rd point

2.) D is standing between E and A

3.) F is standing just before C

4.) B is standing between E and C

Who is standing on 6th point

9 / 31

What is today if the day after tomorrow will be Tuesday.

10 / 31

3rd last student is also the 3rd student standing in a row. How many other students are standing in that row.

11 / 31

When length of a square increases 3-times, its area increase

12 / 31

Sum of 5% of 60 and 6% of 50 will be

13 / 31

If the radius of a circle is doubled, its area increases by

14 / 31

Work hard lest you ______ fail.

15 / 31

A and B are equal. C and D are unequal. 2B is greater than D and 2A is less than C. Which statement is true?

16 / 31

Trump is 74 years old. 4 years before, he was twice of his daughter’s age. What will be the age of his daughter when Trump will be 80 years old.

17 / 31

My mother’s father and my father’s mother are siblings. What is my daughter’s father to my father’s father.

18 / 31

A bird in hand is worth ______ in the bush.

19 / 31

All As are trainers, some Bs are not teachers. If Cs are only operators which one of the following must be true

20 / 31

What comes next in the following logical series

16, 25, 36, 49, 64, ?

21 / 31

Sum of double and half of one dozen is equal to

22 / 31

Select your age group

23 / 31

Three engineers A, B and C are leading three different projects with their teams. Engineer A will complete his project in 120 days, B in 122 days and C in 75 days. After how many days all the projects will be completed.

24 / 31

B’s brother is the brother of C whereas D is the sister of C. In this case, B’s grand-father is the ______ of D.

25 / 31

One dog is equal to 3 cats whereas 2 cats are equal to 5 mice. How many dogs are equal to 30 mice.

26 / 31

What is 5% of 40%

27 / 31

Choose the odd word

28 / 31

I am double of your age. What is the 3-times of half of your age if I am 60 years old.

29 / 31

20% of three-times of 20% of 200 is

30 / 31

If 2 cats catch 2 mice in 2 minutes. How many cats will catch 24 mice in 4 minutes.

31 / 31

Bareeza’s age is twice greater than that of her daughter’s age. 16 years before her daughter’s age was 1/4 th of mother’s age. What will be the age of Bareeza after two years.

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