Global Intelligence Test

Select Your Level

Global Intelligence Test is the world most popular online intelligence test series. It has three different levels i.e. Basic, Medium and High to measure and boost your mental potential at 90, 180 and 360 degree respectively. We bet you can boost your intelligence level up-to the level of Einstein intelligence if you start from the basic level and move on the highest one step-by-step. However, you feel free to select the level which suits you the best and take our online intelligence test right now.

What is Intelligence Testing?

Intelligence is one of the most talked about subjects in the field of psychology. It can be defined in many ways. However most of the scholars equate intelligence with the capacity for understanding, logical reasoning, decision making, abstract thinking, problem solving, planning, creativity and ability to lead. Another most comprehensive definition is ” The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills is called intelligence”. Any test which is specially designed to measure one’s intelligence level is called intelligence test. Intelligence testing has been used, in history, for the purpose of recruiting in both public and private organizations. That’s why, in modern age, improving intelligence level has become a passion of every youngster so that he may find a lucrative job in this age of globalization.

What is Global Intelligence Test?

Global Intelligence Test is a series of world most popular intelligence tests designed by Global Intelligentsia. These intelligence tests are provided online free of cost. Global Intelligence Test is the best online free intelligence test which can help you find your dream job. These intelligence tests will boost up your thinking speed at advanced level.

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