180° Global intelligence test

Solve following intelligence tests one by one. We suggest you solve at least three tests and then calculate average of your obtained points. It will be your final result at this level. Move on the next level to polish the genius inside you.

What is 180° Global Intelligence Test?

180° Global Intelligence Test is the brand name of 2nd (Medium) level of Global Intelligence Test prepared by Global Intelligentsia. It has sub-parts like 180° Global Intelligence Test 1, 2, 3… and so on. Taking all the tests at this level requires half of your both hemispheres viz-a-viz right and left hemispheres. Mind puzzles from the 180° Global Intelligence Test series involve 50% of your mind. That’s why these tests are branded as 180° Global Intelligence Test.

Double dimensional logical mind puzzles immersed with mathematical intelligence are served to challenge the mind of test-takers. It will be a big deal for relatively intelligent students who are preparing for entrance as well as competitive exams. We recommend you take all the tests included in this series to open channels of intelligence flowing through your mind. These tests will help you a lot to improve your mental health and vivid thought pattern.

In this way, the 180° Global Intelligence Test will gradually uplift you in a way that you will start taking control of how to use your mind consciously. It will bring you to the door of geniusity lied within yourself.

180° Global Intelligence Test will work as a key to open the locks of your mind. When these locks are opened you feel rising up the level of fluid intelligence. Take these tests right now to start the journey of true success in life.

Wish you the best of luck

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