How to stay young forever : Ultimate anti-aging Tips


By: Abid Bazmi

Aging is a very complicated process. Fundamental principle to reverse or stop aging is to understand its factors and how to reverse or neutralize these factors.

Aging is defined as “progressive physiological changes in an organism that lead to decline biological functions”. In very simple words, aging is the process of becoming older and older. Biological sciences prove aging as inevitable process but I think the other way. My stance is you can minimize the speed of aging. Once you know the trick how to minimize its speed you can even stop and reverse it. Philosophy behind my view-point is biological sciences give full weightage to biological factors of aging where as in my stand I give equal importance to psychological factors. So first we need to understand the factors of aging so that we may apply holistic approach to reverse it.

Factors of aging

Many many factors are involved in aging which make it intricate and complex. However all these factors can be discussed in two sub-domains.

A. Biological factors of aging

B. Psychological factors of aging

Detailed know-how of these factors will lead us to the point “how to reverse or neutralize these factors and how to stop aging”.

A. Biological factors of aging

Biology declares aging as pre-planned activity which is pre-programmed in the genes of an organism.

There are many biological factors of aging however top 3 factors are as under:-

1. Shortening of telomeres

Stretches of DNA located at the end of our chromosomes are called telomeres. These stretches protect our genetic data making it possible for cells to divide. Each time our cells divide telomeres get shorter and shorter and when they are too short cells can no longer divide. In this way our cells become inactive which leads to our biological death. Human cells can divide an average of 50 to 70 times before telomeres become too short and cells can no longer divide.

2. Oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is the damage that occurs to proteins, DNA and fats in our bodies caused by oxidants which are highly reactive substances containing oxygen. Oxidative stress accelerates aging.

3. Glycation

Glycation happens when glucose binds to some of our proteins, DNA and lipids causing them to become sticky and thus unable to do their jobs. As we get older and older, glycation products build up and this causes our body tissues to malfunction which leads to diseases and death.

How to reverse biological factors of aging

  • Telomerase is the enzyme which adds bases to the ends of telomeres so that its length can be maintained. As our cell divide again and again there is no telomerase available for this job. All the techniques which help to boost our immune system are helpful in restoring of telomerase for a longer time and stop aging.
  • We can decrease the oxidative stress occurring in our tissues by avoiding things that lead to oxidative stress. So avoid following things:
  1. Prolonged period of exposure to ultra-violet light.
  2. Consumption of alcoholic products, cigarettes and drugs leads to oxidative stress.
  3.  Deep fried food and soft drinks are sources of oxidative stress.
  • Decreasing the intake of glucose and foods that are easily converted to glucose in our bodies can decrease glycation.
  • Regular exercise increases number of mitochondrias in our body which boost our immune system. So regular exercise puts aging at slow pace.
  • Taking 6-8 hours proper sleep is the best way to unwind our body tissues which is the key to stop aging.

B. Psychological factors of aging

1. Our beliefs

Our beliefs play central role defining us in our physical and psychological personality. We age because we believe that we have to age and we are aging. Our beliefs affect our feelings, our feelings change our chemistry which leads us to aging.

2. Mental stress

Mental stress and depression attack our neurons to lose their vital energy. Neurons become lethargic and less active. It causes muscle fatigue and accumulation of negative energy which disturbs mental cognition and blood circulation. Mal-blood circulation accelerates aging.

3. Socio-economic imbalance

Socio-economic imbalance in life increases mental agony which is because of isolation and sense of deprivation. This type of life style increases mental pressure which causes brain to be shrunk. Brain shrinking process is the leading cause of aging.

How to reverse psychological factors of aging

First of all, we have to go against our deep rooted belief that we are getting older. Never accept your age and give a new challenge to yourself. It will make you stronger enough. In this way you can increase your life-span.

  • Apply mental relaxing technique to reverse the impact caused by depression and anxiety. After a long time, it will make you stronger enough to avoid taking mental stress.
  • Keep a balance in your life. Enjoy equally having company with children, friends, spouse, siblings, colleagues, young and old. Cut a balance in your economic domain. It will give you new dimensions of yourself and minimize the chances of getting older.
  • Do catharsis on daily basis. Adopt meditational and imaginative techniques for best results. Harmonize your brain and mind as aging starts from brain and causes body to be aged. It is due to clash between mind and brain. So harmonizing them will reverse the results.


Aging becomes stop-able when we deeply understand its biological as well as psychological factors and apply different techniques to reverse and neutralize these factors.

About author

Abid Bazmi is a blogger, motivational speaker, educationist, trainer and globally known human affairs analyst. Click here to visit his blog



  1. I think aging is unstoppable. Anyhow wonderful article while teaching how to slow down aging.

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