360˚ Catharsis: An ultimate guidebook for catharsis


Catharsis at 360˚ is a formula of self-purification, self-improvement and continuous self-uplifting. It works step by step, enabling you to expel all types of negative energy trapped within you to let the positive energies come in.

Catharsis is the process of purging pent up feelings and negative energy to feel lighter and liberated. In this article, we have discussed benefits of catharsis and some techniques to do catharsis for self-improvement. For the purpose of simplicity and ease, we have divided human being into three major dimensions i.e. physical, mental and spiritual.

Our strategy is to discuss and explain each dimension separately. But maximum advantages of catharsis can be materialized by applying a holistic approach. That’s why we call it catharsis at 360˚.

Outcomes of catharsis:

Below are the positive effects and impacts of catharsis. We have divided benefits of catharsis into three classes.

1. Physical benefits of catharsis:

Catharsis shows following positive results on our body and physique.

  • It boosts up immune system.
  • It improves blood circulation, controls blood pressure and enhances cardio-vascular strength.
  • It stimulates muscles growth.

2. Mental benefits of catharsis:

Following impacts and effects have been shown on our mind and brain by catharsis.

  • It makes mind ultra-peaceful.
  • It gives feelings of lightness and liberation.
  • It increases mental potential, fitness and strength.
  • It improves concentration, promotes positivity and understanding to outer-world.

3. Spiritual benefits of catharsis:

Following outcomes and outputs of catharsis have been observed within the domain of spirituality.

  • It improves your intuitive power and power of imagination.
  • It gives better inward connectivity and self-understanding.
  • It boosts up spiritual strength and fitness.
  • It gives soul a relief from conscience’s pangs.

Approaches to catharsis:

Following methods and techniques are applied in catharsis. We have divided these ways and means of catharsis into three approaches covering the three dimensions of human being.

1. Physical approach:

Below are the physical methods and means to do catharsis.

Control your diet:

There is a relation between our metabolism and cognitive process. So our intake also affects our mental frequency. Unhealthy food results into unhealthy mental frequency. So control your diet and avoid junk food for catharsis.

Physical exercise:

Physical exercise eliminates poisons and unwanted bio-chemicals produced as a result of our metabolism. These bio-chemicals are sources of negative energy. Hence physical exercise is a way of catharsis.

Proper sleep:

Hormonal imbalance produces negative feelings and energy. Proper sleep promotes hormonal balance which is a key to fitness. Hence proper sleep works as a way of catharsis.

2. Mental approach:

Below are the mental tips and tricks to do catharsis.

Promote positivity:

Negative energy can be expelled by promoting positive energy. Positive thinking and attitude result into positive perception about people, things and ideas. This positive perception eliminates negative feelings and negative energy.

Therapy based activities:

Therapy based activities serve as catharsis of pent up feelings. You can do following things.

  • Listen to motivational speakers.
  • Write down your strengths on a paper and put it on your table.
  • Start writing about your negative feelings, analyze reasons and remedies. It will give you relief from upset feelings.

Attain socio-economic balance:

Most of the negative feelings are the by-products of our socio-economic issues. Disturbed family relations and mismanagement in budgeting cause upset feelings. So solution lies in reversing the situation to normal position. It is the best way of catharsis.

3. Spiritual approach:

Below are the spiritual techniques to do catharsis.


Meditation promotes peace of mind. It is the strongest tool to defeat negative feelings. Meditation promotes positive spiritual energy which works as catharsis.


Visualize positive things around you. Positive visualization promotes positive energy which kills the negative one. Visualization is the best method of catharsis.

Attend spiritual gatherings:

Spiritual gatherings and activities create a spiritual magnetic field which has healing power. Attending such gatherings and activities give relief from pent up feelings and negative energy. It helps you do catharsis for self-improvement.


Catharsis at 360˚ is the clean sweep operation to eliminate all the negative forces, energy, feelings and emotions disturbing you inner. It applies 3D approach to uplift you in physical, mental and spiritual dimensions. It gives you best strategy for self-purification, self-improvement, personality development and continuous self-uplifting.


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